The Lord’s Prayer is one of the most powerful and comforting ways to connect with God. But it seems it does bend adequately enough to the woke trans agenda, according to some unhappy activists.
A common version of the Lord’s Prayer is as follows:
Our Father who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us,
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom and the power, and the glory,
forever and ever.
Protestia shared a video from St. Paul’s Anglican Church in Essex, Ontario advocating for “the theological and worldview perspectives of conservative evangelical Christianity.”
The new heretical version pushes the nonscientific theory that men can become women and women can become men and makes sure to include all of the favorite woke buzz words.
Here are the words to the woke version:
Our mother and our father, our beloved parent in who we move and breathe and have our being. The glorious hallowing of your name shines forth in the diversity of your children. May your peace and love, justice and equality, inclusion and belonging reign here on earth as in heaven.
Build your kingdom in the hearts of all. Help us meet our daily needs. Be with those who suffer as a result of living as the fullest truth of your divine child. Grant that our transgender loved ones might have their daily needs met, That they might find employment without discrimination, That they may have access to medical care without fear, That they might have their rights and lives protected, That they might find a loving, safe community to belong to and call their own.
Forgive us for the ways that we have fallen short and failed your beloved transgender children, as well as our many trespasses. Forgive us of the times we turned away or did not care, For the times we laughed or judged their unique expression of your image, Just as we forgive those who might have failed to see, hear, and understand us.
Lead us away from the temptation to be complacent in the face of injustice But instead, give us the courage to stand up for and with your beloved children. Open our minds and our hearts to those who think, act, and experience life differently. Help us do our part to make your love and justice reign in our diverse, beautiful world, now and always.
Quite possibly the most cursed version of the ‘Lord’s Prayer’ ever.
From St. Paul’s Anglican Church in Essex, ON.
— Protestia (@Protestia) February 6, 2025
The post Lord’s Prayer Twisted to Bend to Transgender Agenda (Video) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.